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App performance
It's the 3rd time I see this message today. Nothing else is opened aside from Slack.
January 28, 2024
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You add to my Figmoon team any member from my organization automatically, which is great. But you put the wrong role. New joiners only need a viewer access, not an editor one.

This means I need to manually remove 20 people every month to avoid paying way more than our business needs.
June 2, 2024
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I changed the look of my cursor when you made that option available a few weeks ago.

But now that I want to change the style again, I can't find that option. I've had similar issues multiple times. I'd love master search bar.
April  7, 2024
App perfomance
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Users are complaining about the overall performance of the app
They are getting messages multiple times per day saying they don’t have any memory left. They feel it’s damaging their productivity.
33 insights
File managment
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But today, it’s not seamless, I need to open a new tab, and wait for the Figmoon file to load.

It would be a game changer just to be able to really embed any file in a Notion page.
December 1, 2023
App performance
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I don’t understand why I can’t put my auto-layout frame as fixed in the prototype, it’s

I don’t understand why I can’t put my auto-layout frame as fixed in the prototype, it’s
March 9, 2024
Web version
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I'd love an easy way to switch a file from the web version to the desktop version. The option is in too many menus.

I turned on the option to automatically open all files on the desktop version.
But now I don't know how to remove this option. In most cases, I just need just a sneak peek of the file and don't need it opened in the app.
April 19, 2024

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